Monday, October 08, 2007

Random Thoughts...

Last night I watched The Holiday. Ugh. Didn't the producers or the casting director realize that generally speaking Cameron Diaz is not someone that women relate to? Yeah, sure, she's fine in Charlie's Angels or There's Something About Mary (to which the Husband noted Chris Elliott and even Brett Favre were good in that movie), but in a "romantic comedy"? She's no Meg Ryan or Sandra Bullock. The only good thing about the movie was her sweater wardrobe. And, Jude Law? How can one take Jude Law as a single dad seriously after Nannygate? Do the people who put this movie together not read the tabloids? And poor Kate Winslet? I've said it before and I'll say it again, the woman puts on a few pounds from the days of Titanic and her love interest goes from Leonardo DiCaprio to Jack Black??? I mean true Jack Black's performance in the film was oscarworthy compared to Cameron's but still!

Next random thought: Just how fast to infant's fingernails grow?? It seems as though we're trimming Miss S's nails every five minutes and due to the fact that she's reached the height of her squirmy phase we have recently had to move to clipping her nails while she sleeps. It's an interesting state of affairs when it is actually easier to clip the cat's claws...

More Movies.... Blood Diamond. It was The Beach all over again, just with a political message. And riddle me this one, why, if you previously worked as a gun runner and "soldier of fortune" would you not wear a bullet proof vest? Who'd have thunk Leo would get sidelined by that rare bullet to the armpit.

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