Monday, November 21, 2005

No Heat.

Once again we have no heat in the family room. Which, once again means no TiVo. Apparently, the heating system relies on water from the well as part of its Rube-Goldberg-esque mechanism and hell the well pump broke down sometime during the summer months. At the time we thought it just meant we couldn't use the outside spigots, so we were washing the car at the local Shell station and not thinking much of it. Who connects their heating system to the "well" which is located nowhere near anything??? Goal for this week-- heat before thanksgiving. Worse comes to worse we'll be lighting a fire, thank goodness we do actually have a woodburning stove, not that we've been told that's safe to use. Worse, worse comes to worse we'll be relocating TiVo or using one of our never-used "South Brunswick" recycling barrels to start a small trash fire, that might work.

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