Thursday, August 31, 2006


Why is it that everything is password protected these days? And, every time you go to buy something on the internet they want you to set up an "account" (yes, I know this is a bit like Kramer asking why Radio Shack needs your phone number)...

Now, its not only enough for you to have to have a password, but for instance, at the job I have to change my password every 6 months. Yes, because I'm really working on some top secret spy-worthy cryptic information like the schematic for the space shuttle or something. Fine, so when I started work I was given a password. It meant nothing to me but I wasn't paying attention in computer training in order to learn how to change it to something meaningful so I stuck with it. It has a number in it. Every time I'm prompted to change my password I just change the number. Now, that's not enough. Nope, not at all. Now I can't use the same password that I've used before. It has a memory of at least my last five passwords. There is no rhyme or reason to the numbers that I've chosen so the last time I had to change the damn thing I had to go through every possible iteration until I found the number I haven't used in the last five passwords.

Sure, you probably are saying to yourself what's the big deal, who cares, what's another password. I'll tell you what another password is-- it's between the password and my home address. There's only so much room left up there in the old brain. Something's got to go. And just think, if I didn't have to be wasting my time with this whole password thing I might actually be able to get some work done!

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