Monday, September 15, 2008

Why I Love The Internet... and What a Small World It Can Be...

We were in DC and Baltimore this weekend. Today, as we were leaving the hotel I recognized a man crossing the street-- I said to the Husband: "I think I just saw Dan from the Real World Miami!" Indeed,
Dan's website confirms on the September 11th posting that he was planning to be in DC this weekend with his mom (and I did see him crossing the street with a mom-age woman, so it all fits!) This would be at least the third Real World sighting... I once saw Eric from NY down in SoHo and then I saw one of the girls (Maybe Montana??) also in NYC, but that I only vaguely recall... Then, while we were driving around (attempting, in vain to get to the Jefferson Memorial) I saw a man and two women by Lafayette park. The man was dressed in a t-shirt and shorts and had on a race tag (turns out today was the triathalon)... I do believe the man I saw was Shawn Kuntz, former high school classmate. How random is that? As a nod to Thisbe's karma post, I'm not trying to complain-- it's always interesting when you see people you recognize, but come on here, can we do better than Shawn? I'll take Dan from the Real World, but can we try for either a) a classmate from high school/college/law school that I don't just recognize, but was actually friends with, or perhaps someone famous and fun? Now's the time for another Keno Brother sighting, or perhaps George Clooney? The Obama cut-out in front of the Lincoln Memorial just doesn't count.

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