Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today Miss B. and went to Wegman's. Whenever we go to Wegman's I always set Miss B. up with a bagel to munch on. I usually break off pieces and then keep the bag with the bagels in the back of the cart. Today, when Sophie finished her first bagel piece she turned around in the seat of the cart, pointed back towards the bag and said: Baa-Ba. At first I didn't quite hear too much more than sounds, so I said: "Bagel?" and she said back, pointing furiously, "Baaa-Ba", "You want more bagel?" "BAAAA-BA!" This reminded me much of the scene from the remake of the Pink Panther when the diction teacher was trying to get Inspector Clouseau to be able to pronounce "Hamburger." The teacher keeps repeating "Hamburger" and all he can do is say "AM-BUR-Gur!", increasingly louder but always with the French accent.

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