Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dissolveable Stitch.

So, I'm here watching a double marathon of The Real Housewives and the Husband brought up a great snack! Oatmeal Raisin cookies (from WF) and a bowl of vanilla ice cream (perfect for dipping!). So I'm enjoying this and I had just put a wedge of ice-cream laden cookie in my mouth when I see the Husband inspecting what appears to be a string. He also has a half-eaten cookie in his other hand. He is holding up the string and the cookie. I'm chewing. I say (mouth full) "is that a string?" the Husband's response? Something to the effect of "it looks like one of those dissolveable stitches" This effectively leads me to get up, spit the cookie out into a piece of toilet paper and wash out my mouth with water from the bathroom sink. All the while the Husband is sitting here in bed looking at the "stitch". He then asks me, "did you really just spit that cookie out and wash out your mouth?" In a word? "Yes." He then proceeds to tell me that he had put the cookie down on his sweatshirt so it could have just been a string.



410E9th said...

How do you wash out cookies, Milk?

Rue said...

If only! Just tap water...