Monday, November 02, 2009

More from the Annals of People With Too Much Time on Their Hands

The Wagon was finally returned to us today, from it's exile in Levittown, PA where BMW had sent it (unbeknownst to me) to be fixed. Thankfully, they flat-bedded it there and back (or so they said), but it did arrive, in front of our house, this afternoon on a flatbed. Then, seemingly as an attempt to make-up for the fact that they had taken the Wagon to Pennsylvania, it appeared that it had been detailed while it was gone. HOORAY!!!!!!! While the detailing was not a 100% job (Why does there appear to be some sort of coffee-grind-ish substance in one of my cupholders? and they didn't even attempt to clean out the cargo space....) it was thoroughly and completely vacuumed, dashboard wiped down, exterior detailed and tires shined. That's a $199 value to you and me. (or at least a $99 savings since that was what I had planned to pay them to detail the interior anyway).

After the wagon was returned Miss B. and I went to the Crate and Barrel outlet looking for an end table for the family room. Instead we left with a Type A personality's dream: A plastic storage box (and we also got three Christmas ornaments and two Christmas box/basket-y things for gift giving). Yes, I'm always in all my glory when I get to put things in plastic storage tubs and today's tub has been filled with Halloween decorations (to hopefully be reused again at a Halloween Fete next year).

After that we hit up McCaffrey's (only because it was on the way home) and got some foodstuffs in preparation for the Junior Leaguers who were coming over to discuss potential ideas for our provisional class project.

Upon making it home, I made Pizza Bagels for Miss B., participated in a conference call for my pro bono case, made two quiches and a dozen blueberry muffins. I also managed to repurpose an end table that we had bought years ago at Pottery Barn. It had been sitting, sullenly, behind the piano for no good reason. (Mostly because it was really too tall to properly sit adjacent to any of our sofas.... that is until I realized it was just the right height for our PB sectional!) It fit there, and I was hopeful that our small table lamp would fit (which it did) but then sadly, it turns out the lightbulb that I bought was the wrong size so it blew out immediately. Who knew there was more than one size of just "regular" light bulb. If it's that standard bulb shape with a standard (i.e. Type "A" base) I just figured they were all the same size. Apparently, I was wrong.

The ladies arrived at 7:15 and Miss B. helped to entertain us all (and she handed out left-over Halloween candy) until the Husband got home a short while later. Our meeting wrapped up at 8:30 and then the Husband and I tag-teamed Miss B. at sleepytime. Once our sleepytime events were completed it was on to making burgers and fries because nothing says healthy living like seared cow flesh after 9pm.

Then we cleaned up the kitchen (during the process of which I uncovered one of my decoupaging books which will of course, likely spur another fit of useless crafting). Just hopefully that fit of useless crafting won't be tonight.

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