Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A More Perfect Union...

Okay, so I know I'm going to get stoned to death by a jury of my peers for this one, but what the heck.

This is a link to Obama's "A More Perfect Union" speech, which he apparently mostly wrote himself. Question-- how is it that someone who can prepare such eloquent speeches and profess concepts of unity and understanding and hope possibly could have sat through the diatribes of Rev. Wright for so long if he really objected to the "offensive" portions of their content? From an intellectual level alone you'd think you'd either say something to the guy or get up and leave (long before now). I think this would all make a lot more sense if he just did a David Patterson and came clean-- all he has to say is that he was just going to church to make his wife happy. That, to me, is a more plausible explanation. ;)

ps. this is, in my opinion, another reason for the importance of the separation of church and state. Unless it's Shirley MacLaine, it's always a deal-breaker for me when politicians have prominent spiritual advisors. But that's just me.


410E9th said...

"apparently" wrote himself. nice...
Do you write it that way to antagonize me?

Can I get I get a consensus from the other readers that this was written to cause divisiness in the land of cornell? Can I get a witness? Amen!

Rue said...

What? The WSJ specifically noted that this speech in particular was composed without much help from the speechwriters... (noting, Hil's prior "plagarism" claims).

You need a better sense of humor. This was all to set up the wife joke.