Sunday, August 03, 2008

Let Me Tell You About My Floor...

The hardwood floor people, as I mentioned before, really don't want to have anything to do with our floor. "It's below grade" Apparently, the American Association of Wood Floor Workers or something or other doesn't recommend installing hardwoods below grade. Okay, but 80% of the floor is already covered with hardwoods that looked pretty neat, why would I want to rip that up? So, we found a local guy who has pumpkin pine and other reclaimed woods at decent prices and they'll mill them for us. As with the bulk of our home improvement projects that which starts out with people doing the work for us usually devolves into us doing the work ourselves. For now it looks like we're going to be figuring out how to rearrange certain of the floor boards (very Tetris-esque) in order to patch the areas which don't have wood currently, and then attaching the boards to the subfloor (omg, there actually is a subfloor! Who knew!?!) Then either we'll be sanding the floor down or perhaps we can find someone who will do it... and then refinishing. Oy!

Otherwise, still waiting for the plumbing permit.

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