Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shout out to

David! Today Miss B. and I hit up Devon & Blakley with David. Bagel stick sandwiches for everyone! D&B is a little odd in that it is one level below street level and you usually get to it by going down an escalator. With Miss B. in tow, David and I were coordinating how to accomplish this when the building security folks offered up an elevator. But that elevator wasn't working, so they had us come into the building and use the freight elevator. Which required an elevator operator, who then had to show us how to get from where the elevator put us to the actual restaurant. In the end, taking Miss B. out of her stroller and then just carrying the stroller down would have been faster! But what lunch is complete without a tour of the underbelly of an office building?

As usual, lunch was fun and who besides David could we discuss camera equipment, cell phones and potty training anecdotes?

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