Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Houston, We Have Problem.

So I'm furiously trying to revise a 142 page Loan Agreement while the Husband and Miss Baby are heading up to Chipotle to pick up dinner. I get a call. It's a cell phone number I'm not familiar with. On the other end? "This is Mike from Chipotle." "Okay." "We are in the process of making your order and we've encountered a problem." (I submitted our order via web about a half an hour ago, so no standing in line for the Fam!). "You've asked for pinto beans in your vegetarian bol." To which I respond that I know that the pinto beans are made with bacon and that the Husband isn't really a vegetarian he just likes the vegetables (which is a polite way of saying he wouldn't hit a dead dog in the butt with the Chipotle meat products...)

Do we really need to waste human energy with things like this?

And here I am, telling you about it. And, you're reading it!

Maybe next time in the "notes" portion of my internet order I can say-- I KNOW, THE BEANS ARE MADE WITH BACON!!!

Who knew vegetarians could be taken so seriously.

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