Sunday, May 13, 2007


So, one of the partners I work with recently gave birth to her baby. She gave birth via c-section on Monday evening and was home from the hospital by Friday. I had spoken with her on Thursday and then carried on a short conversation (mostly responding to her inquiry about my maternity leave status) via email on Monday.

I had been wondering for a while whether or not we would be invited to the bris. I mean I had been hearing the gory details of this woman's pregnancy for the last seven months, five days a week.

Turns out she had scheduled her new son's bris for Tuesday.

Further turns out she invited one of our paralegals, a junior associate, another partner and even an of counsel who has moved on and works at another firm. All of these folks attended the bris and indicated that there were over 60 people there. We got no invitation. Nada, not even an 'unvitation' along the lines of "we'd love to have you but we know its far and you're so pregnant don't feel like you have to come". The further irony of this is that she knew I was going to be in the city the day of for a doctor's appointment, so it actually wouldn't have been inconvienent to attend, in theory. We had even already sent a baby gift that she received when she returned home from the hospital!

At the end of the day did I actually want to attend this event? Not really, I'm too big to move at this point and the woman has essentially been the bane of my work existance since she joined our group in 2003, but that's not the point! The point is I feel like Elaine from Seinfeld. I mean, I had been invited to her bridal shower, went to her wedding, yada, yada. I think in the cosmic scheme we were owed a bris-vitation, as a courtsey, if nothing else!

1 comment:

410E9th said...

Eds having a 65th party on saturday at the house. Ideally a BBQ. The three of you are more then welcome to attend.