Friday, March 02, 2007

Battered and Bruised

This morning's train adventure started with me getting an elbow to the eyesocket while trying to board the 8:23. Luckily there was no swelling or bruising, but I did loudly say multiple times to the man who hit me "YOU ELBOWED ME IN THE EYE!" Needless to say this caught the attention of the other riders and the Husband who then spewed a few choice expletives at the offending individual. I know that it wasn't done intentionally, but when you're boarding a train with a bazillion other people try not to readjust your shoulder bag by raising your arm and extending your elbow out as far as possible because the likelihood of hitting another individual is inordinately high.

Next came the subway. Just as a fun surprise for this morning's riders they decided to run the #1 local train on the #2/3 express track (though it appeared it may have just been a change of equipment because then the #2 express train was running local on the local track). This confused everyone but was a fun experiment as it appeared that they hadn't actually run any trains within a 45 minute increment so essentially the equivelant of the entire population of Central America was standing on the platform. We managed to make it on board the train miraculously, though completely smushed up against the "closing doors". Of course, at 50th street (the first stop where the doors which we were becoming so intimately aquainted with opened) we had the wise guy behind us say "Excuse me, coming through" the minute they opened, as if we didn't intend to also exit at that stop!

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